
职 称:教授


研究方向:岩石学 (岩浆作用, 实验岩石学)


办公室:科技楼 西606 



2019 –   今     hbs02红宝石线路 hbs02红宝石线路  教授

2018 – 2019   hbs02红宝石线路 hbs02红宝石线路  讲师

2012 – 2018   德国汉诺威大学 矿物学系  博士后

2008 – 2012   德国汉诺威大学 矿物学系  博士研究生

2004 – 2008   中国地质大学(武汉) 硕博连读

2000 – 2004   中国地质大学(武汉) 本科

1997 – 2000   江苏省镇江中学



  • 岩浆的形成、演化、结晶过程

  • 岩浆体系中的挥发分及其成岩和成矿意义

  • 洋中脊和俯冲带的岩浆作用和挥发份循环


  • 高温高压实验模拟

  • 高精度原位分析技术

  • 大数据和机器学习应用


  • 万人计划青年拔尖人才支持计划(2022年入选)

  • 陕西省高层次人才引进计划青年项目(2019年入选)

  • 国家自然科学基金重点项目 “从大陆火山岩视角了解深部地幔化学储库的属性”(2022-2026 参与)

  • 国家自然科学基金面上项目 “大洋岛弧岩浆中的挥发份和成矿金属:西南太平洋Kermadec岛弧Brothers火山岩的熔融包裹体和实验岩石学研究”(2020-2023 主持)


  • 中国矿物岩石地球化学学会  第十届理事会  火山与地球内部化学专业委员会  委员

  • 中国矿物岩石地球化学学会  第十届理事会  微束分析测试专业委员会  委员

  • 《岩石矿物学杂志》编委

  • 《hbs02红宝石线路学报(自然科学版)》青年编委

  • 《地球科学》青年编委

  • 《Journal of Earth Science》青年编委


  • 2018/05 – 2018/07   参加IODP计划376航次 Brothers Arc Flux



  • 根据文献中的高温高压实验数据 (T = 625~1325 °C, P = 145 kbar), 在R语言环境下应用机器学习算法(极端随机树模型)建立了基于黑云母成分和黑云母+熔体成分的温压计,并将程序代码嵌入网页便于使用者执行计算。

  • 文章链接  https://agupubs.onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1029/2022JB024137

  • 在线计算  https://lixiaoyan.shinyapps.io/Biotite_thermobarometer/


  • 用于根据探针数据计算角闪石分子式。输入数据为角闪石电子探针数据,输出结果为角闪石的全离子占位(包括Fe2+、Fe3+、OH-等未直接测得的离子)。计算使用的多项式参数由主成分回归法获得,已嵌入Excel表格中,输入数据后自动运行计算。

  • 文章链接  https://doi.org/10.1016/j.lithos.2020.105469

  • 程序下载  https://doi.org/10.17632/xdrxhjkkjr.1


  • 用于根据探针数据计算黑云母分子式。输入数据为黑云母电子探针数据,输出结果为黑云母的全离子占位(包括Fe2+、Fe3+、OH-等未直接测得的离子)。计算使用的多项式参数由主成分回归法获得,已嵌入Excel表格中,输入数据后自动运行计算。

  • 文章链接  https://doi.org/10.1016/j.lithos.2020.105371

  • 程序下载  https://doi.org/10.17632/vj4w5zfvty.1

质量平衡计算程序 GeoBalance

  • 用于计算多相体系达到平衡时的相比例。输入数据为系统总体成分(例如,全岩成分)和各相成分,输出结果为各相的质量分数。系统化学组分的数量(例如,全岩数据包含的元素种类)和相的数目(例如,岩石中包含的矿物种类)不受限定,可以由使用者自主设置。计算使用Excel VBA编写,经测试可在多种版本的Excel环境下使用。

  • 文章链接  https://doi.org/10.1016/j.chemer.2020.125629

  • 程序下载  https://doi.org/10.17632/w8g4hx5nmz.5


    • Qi D. (博士后: 祁冬梅), Zhang C.*, Lazarov M. (2024) Cu isotope fractionation between Cu-bearing phases and hydrothermal fluids: insights from ex situ and in situ experiments. American Mineralogist, in press. https://doi.org/10.2138/am-2023-9155.

    • Zhu, Y., Wang, L., Pan, Y., Zhang, C., Almeev, R. R., She, Z., and Holtz, F. (2024) Pyrochlore composition and SmNd isotope signature as indicators of magmatic-hydrothermal processes: The case of Ririwai complex, north-Central Nigeria: Chemical Geology, v. 652, p. 122021.

    • 牛俊龙, 吴石头, 杨岳衡, 张超, 王浩, 龚庆杰 (2024) 石英和锆石Ti温度计在地学中的应用及其Ti含量的微区分析技术进展: 岩石学报, v. 40, no. 1, p. 323-337.

    • Yao, Wei (博士研究生: 姚薇), Peng Liu*, Guowu Li, Ningyue Sun, Wenqiang Yang, Chengyao Jiang, Wei Du, Chao Zhang, Wenlei Song, Nigel J. Cook, Jingwen Mao. (2024) Yuchuanite-(Y), Y2(CO3)3·H2O, a new hydrous yttrium carbonate mineral from the Yushui Cu deposit, South China. American Mineralogist, in press. https://doi.org/10.2138/am-2023-8971.

    • Jiao, L., She, Z., Papineau, D., Zhang, C., Algeo, T.J., Dodd, M.S., Luo, G., Cao, K., Li, C. (2023) Evidence for high-frequency oxygenation of Ediacaran shelf seafloor during early evolution of complex life. Communications Earth & Environment, 4, 429.

    • 李晓彦, 张超*. (2023) 大数据和机器学习在矿物学研究中的应用. 矿物岩石地球化学通报, 42(2), 253-266. DOI: 10.19658/j.issn.1007-2802.2023.42.031 PDF file

    • Liao, W., Zhao, X.-F., Zeng, L.-P., Weyer, S., Zhang, C., Horn, I., Holtz, F. (2023) Iron isotope fractionation during fluid metasomatism and ore-forming processes in magmatic-hydrothermal systems. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 355, 161-172.

    • Liu Y (硕士研究生: 刘钰婕), Yang W*, Zhang C*, Bao Z, Wu S, Almeev R. R, Ridolfi F, Oberti R. (2023) New Compositional and Structural Constraints on the Smithsonian Microanalytical Reference Materials: Amphiboles from Kakanui and Arenal. Geostandards and Geoanalytical Research, 47(3): 595-608. PDF file

    • Li H-Y, Xie C, Ryan J G., Yang C-M, Zhao R-P, Zhang C, Xu Y-G. (2023) Slab dehydration and magmatism in the Kurile arc as a function of depth: An investigation based on B-Sr-Nd-Hf isotopes. Chemical Geology, 621, 121373.

    • 陈立辉,  曾罡,  刘建强,  王小均,  张超. (2022) 从大陆火山岩视角了解深部地幔化学储库的属性. 岩石学报, 38(12), 3703-3711.

    • Li X*, Zhang C*. (2022) Machine Learning Thermobarometry for Biotite-Bearing Magmas. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 127, e2022JB024137. https://doi.org/10.1029/2022JB024137. PDF file

    • Cheng L, Zhang C. (2022) Magma contamination in Himalayan leucogranite by metapelite host rocks: insights from chemical and boron isotopic compositions of tourmaline. International Geology Review. https://doi.org/10.1080/00206814.2022.2158497.

    • Engelhardt A., Koepke J., Zhang C., Garbe-Schönberg D., Jesus A.P. (2022) ICDP Oman Drilling Project: varitextured gabbros from the dike–gabbro transition within drill core GT3A. European Journal of Mineralogy, 34, 603-626.

    • Zhang H.-L., Zeng G., Zhang C., Zhang W.-L., Chen L.-H., Yu J.-H. (2022) Electron Probe Microanalysis measurement of F-Cl-Nb-P for Geological Glasses. Geostandards and Geoanalytical Research, https://doi.org/10.1111/ggr.12454.

    • Wu S. et al., 2022. Three Natural Andesitic to Rhyolitic Glasses (OJY-1, OH-1, OA-1) as Reference Materials for In Situ Microanalysis. Geostandards and Geoanalytical Research, https://doi.org/10.1111/ggr.12449.

    • Cheng L.*, Zhang C.*, Zhou Y., Horn I., Weyer S., & Holtz F. (2022) Experiments reveal enrichment of 11B in granitic melt resulting from tourmaline crystallisation. Geochemical Perspectives Letters, 20, 37-42. PDF file

    • Liao W., Su Z.-K., Li X.-C., Zhang C., & Zhao X.-F. (2022) Cathodoluminescent, chemical and strontium isotopic characteristics of apatite from Lanniping Fe-Cu deposit, southwestern China: Implications for fluid evolution in IOCG systems. Ore Geology Reviews, 145, 104882.

    • Li H-Y., Li X., Ryan J. G., Zhang C., Xu Y-G. (2022) Boron isotopes in boninites document rapid changes in slab inputs during subduction initiation. Nature Communications, 13(1): 993.

    • Zhang C*, Li X, Behrens H, Holtz F. (2022) Partitioning of OH-F-Cl between biotite and silicate melt: Experiments and an empirical model. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta. 317: 155-179. PDF file

    • Li X, Zhang C*, Behrens H, Holtz F. (2022) On the improvement of calculating biotite formula from EPMA data: Reexamination of the methods of Dymek (1983), Yavuz and Öztas (1997), Li et al. (2020) and reply to the discussion of Baidya and Das. Lithos, 412-413, 106403. PDF file

    • Zhang C, Koepke J, Wolff PE, Horn I, Garbe-Schönberg D, Berndt J. (2021) Multi-stage Hydrothermal Veins in Layered Gabbro of the Oman Ophiolite: Implications for Focussed Fluid Circulation in the Lower Oceanic Crust. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 126(8): e2021JB022349. PDF file

    • Cheng L., Zhang C., Liu X., Yang X., Zhou Y., Horn I., Weyer S. and Holtz F. (2021) Significant boron isotopic fractionation in the magmatic evolution of Himalayan leucogranite recorded in multiple generations of tourmaline. Chemical Geology 571, 120194.

    • Wang X., Hou T., Wang M., Zhang C., Zhang Z., Pan R., Marxer F. and Zhang H. (2021) A new clinopyroxene thermobarometer for mafic to intermediate magmatic systems. European Journal of Mineralogy, 33, 621-637.

    • Zhu R.-Z., Słaby E., Lai S.-C., Chen L.-H., Qin J., Zhang C., Zhao S., Zhang F., Liu W.-h. and Fowler M. (2021) High-K calc-alkaline to shoshonitic intrusions in SE Tibet: implications for metasomatized lithospheric mantle beneath an active continental margin. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology 176, 85.

    • Yuan Q., Zhang C., Cheng F., Cao X., Needham E., Zheng H. and Lü X. (2021) In-situ U–Pb dating of zircon coronas, Sr–Nd–Hf isotopes and petrological constraints on the constructional processes of the Daxigou anorthosite complex, NW China. Gondwana Research.

    • Wu S., Yang Y., Jochum K. P., Romer R. L., Glodny J., Savov I. P., Agostini S., De Hoog J. C. M., Peters S. T. M., Kronz A., Zhang C., Bao Z., Wang X., Li Y., Tang G., Feng L., Yu H., Li Z., Zhang L., Lin J., Zeng Y., Xu C., Wang Y., Cui Z., Deng L., Xiao J., Liu Y., Xue D., Zhang D., Jia L., Wang H., Xu L., Huang C., Xie L., Pack A., Wörner G., He M., Li C., Yuan H., Huang F., Li Q., Yang J., Li X. and Wu F. (2021) Isotopic Compositions (Li-B-Si-O-Mg-Sr-Nd-Hf-Pb) and Fe2+/ΣFe Ratios of Three Synthetic Andesite Glass Reference Materials (ARM-1, ARM-2, ARM-3). Geostandards and Geoanalytical Research, 45(4), 719-745.

    • Zhang C, Li X, Almeev RR, Horn I, Behrens H, Holtz F. (2021) Partition of Ti between quartz and silicate melt. Reply to: Comment on Zhang et al.:“Ti-in-quartz thermobarometry and TiO2 solubility in rhyolitic melts: New experiments and parametrization". Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 561:116846. PDF file

    • Koepke J., Zhang C (2021) Axial Melt‐Lens Dynamics at Fast Spreading Midocean Ridges. Chapter 9 in "Dynamic Magma Evolution", AGU Geophysical Monograph 254, edited by Francesco Vetere. DOI: 10.1002/9781119521143.ch9

    • Zhang C, Li X, Almeev RR, Horn I, Behrens H, Holtz F. (2020) Ti-in-quartz thermobarometry and TiO2 solubility in rhyolitic melts: New experiments and parametrization. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 538: 116213. PDF file

    • Zhang C, Koepke J. (2020) Magma Dynamics of Axial Melt Lens at Fast-Spreading Mid-Ocean Ridges. Acta Geologica Sinica (English Edition), 94(supp. 1): 80. DOI: 10.1111/1755-6724.14483

    • Li X, Zhang C*, Almeev RR, Holtz F. (2020) GeoBalance: An Excel VBA program for mass balance calculation in geosciences. Geochemistry, 80(2): 125629. PDF file

    • Li X, Zhang C*, Wang L, Behrens H, Holtz F. (2020) Experiments on the saturation of fluorite in magmatic systems: Implications for maximum F concentration and fluorine-cation bonding in silicate melt. Journal of Earth Science, 31(3): 456-467. PDF file

    • Li X, Zhang C*, Behrens H, Holtz F. (2020) Calculating amphibole formula from electron microprobe analysis data using a machine learning method based on principal components regression. Lithos, 362-363: 105469. PDF file

    • Li X, Zhang C*, Behrens H, Holtz F. (2020) Calculating biotite formula from electron microprobe analysis data using a machine learning method based on principal components regression. Lithos, 356-357: 105371. PDF file

    • Cheng L, Zhang C, Yang X. (2020) Petrogenesis of deformed tourmaline leucogranite in the Gurla Mandhata metamorphic core complex, Southwestern Tibet. Lithos, 364-365: 105533.

    • Qi D, Behrens H, Botcharnikov R, Derrey I, Holtz F, Zhang C, Li X, Horn I. (2020) Reaction between Cu-bearing minerals and hydrothermal fluids at 800 °C and 200 MPa: Constraints from synthetic fluid inclusions. American Mineralogist, 105(8), 1126-1139.

    • Algabri M, She Z, Jiao L, Papineau D, Wang G, Zhang C, Tang D, Ouyang G, Zhang Y, Chen G, Li C. (2020) Apatite-glaucony association in the Ediacaran Doushantuo Formation, South China and implications for marine redox conditions. Precambrian Research, 347, 105842

    • Luo B, Zhang H, Zhang L, Zhang C, Shen L, Xiao Z, Pan F, Yang H, Li Z, Xu W, Guo L, Tao L. (2020) The magma plumbing system of Mesozoic Shanyang porphyry groups, South Qinling and implications for porphyry copper mineralization. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 543: 116346.

    • Zhu YX, Wang LX, Xiong QH, Ma CQ, Zhang X, Zhang C, Ahmed HA. (2020) Origin and evolution of ultrapotassic intermediate magma: The Songxian syenite massif, Central China. Lithos, 105554.

    • 成里宁, 张超, 杨晓松, 祁冬梅, 周永胜, Holtz F. (2019) 二云母花岗岩与含硼流体反应的实验研究:对电气石花岗岩成因的启示. 中国科学: 地球科学. 49(11): 1772-1787.

    • Cheng L, Zhang C*, Li X, Almeev RR, Yang X, Holtz F. (2019) Improvement of Electron Probe Microanalysis of Boron Concentration in Silicate Glasses. Microscopy and Microanalysis. 25(4): 874-882. PDF file

    • Hinterding R, Zhao Z, Zhang C, Feldhoff A. (2019) Anisotropic growth of La2NiO4+δ: Influential pre-treatment in molten-flux synthesis. Journal of Crystal Growth. 523: 125135.

    • de Ronde CEJ, Humphris SE, Höfig TW, Reyes AG, the IODP Expedition 376 Scientists (including Zhang C.). (2019) Critical role of caldera collapse in the formation of seafloor mineralization: The case of Brothers volcano. Geology. 47(8): 762-766.

    • Parlak O, Dunkl I, Karaoğlan F, Kusky TM, Zhang C, Wang L, Koepke J, Billor Z, Hames WE, Şimşek E, Şimşek G, Şimşek T, Öztürk SE. (2019) Rapid cooling history of a Neotethyan ophiolite: Evidence for contemporaneous subduction initiation and metamorphic sole formation. GSA Bulletin. 131(11-12): 2011-2038.

    • Hoffmann JE, Zhang C, Moyen J-F, Nagel TJ. (2019) Chapter 7 - The Formation of Tonalites–Trondjhemite–Granodiorites in Early Continental Crust. In: Van Kranendonk MJ, Bennett VC, Hoffmann JE, editors. Earth's Oldest Rocks (Second Edition): Elsevier; p. 133-168.

    • Li X, Zhang C*, Almeev RR, Zhang X-C, Zhao X-F, Wang L-X, Koepke J, Holtz F. (2019) Electron probe microanalysis of Fe2+/ΣFe ratios in calcic and sodic-calcic amphibole and biotite using the flank method. Chemical Geology. 509: 152-162. PDF file

    • Currin A, Wolff PE, Koepke J, Almeev RR, Zhang C, Zihlmann B, Ildefonse B, Teagle D. (2018) Chlorine-rich amphibole in deep layered gabbros as evidence for brine/rock interaction in the lower oceanic crust: A case study from the Wadi Wariyah, Samail Ophiolite, Sultanate of Oman. Lithos. 323(15): 125-36.

    • Zhang C, Almeev RR, Hughes EC, Borisov AA, Wolff EP, Höfer HE, Botcharnikov R, Koepke J. (2018) Electron microprobe technique for the determination of iron oxidation state in silicate glasses. American Mineralogist. 103(9): 1445-1454. PDF file

    • Li X, Zhang C*, Behrens H, Holtz F. (2018) Fluorine partitioning between titanite and silicate melt and its dependence on melt composition: experiments at 50-200 MPa and 875-925 °C. European Journal of Mineralogy. 30(1): 33-44. PDF file

    • Wang L-X, Ma C-Q, Zhang C, Zhu Y-X, Marks MAW. (2018) Halogen geochemistry of I- and A-type granites from Jiuhuashan region (South China): Insights into the elevated fluorine in A-type granite. Chemical Geology. 478: 164-182.

    • Zhu Y, Wang L-X, Ma C-Q, Zhang C. (2018) A flower-like glomerophyric diorite porphyry from Central China: Constraints on the unusual texture. Lithos. 318-319: 1-13.

    • Zhu Y, Wang L-X, Ma C-Q, Zhang C, Wang K. (2018) Geochronology, Geochemistry and Sr-Nd-Pb Isotopic Study of the Wulong Flower-Like Glomerophyric Diorite Porphyry (Central China): Implications for Tectonic Evolution of Eastern Qinling. Journal of Earth Science. 29(5): 1203-1218.

    • Fang W, Zhang C, Steinbach F, Feldhoff A. (2017) Stabilizing Perovskite Structure by Interdiffusional Tailoring and Its Application in Composite Mixed Oxygen-Ionic and Electronic Conductors. Angewandte Chemie. 129(26): 7692-7696.

    • González-García D, Behrens H, Petrelli M, Vetere F, Morgavi D, Zhang C, et al. (2017) Water-enhanced interdiffusion of major elements between natural shoshonite and high-K rhyolite melts. Chemical Geology. 466: 86-101.

    • Zhang C, Wang L-X, Marks MAW, France L, Koepke J. (2017) Volatiles (CO2, S, F, Cl, Br) in the dike-gabbro transition zone at IODP Hole 1256D: Magmatic imprint versus hydrothermal influence at fast-spreading mid-ocean ridge. Chemical Geology. 459: 43-60. PDF file

    • Zhang C, Lin J, Pan Y, Feng R, Almeev RR, Holtz F. (2017) Electron Probe Microanalysis of Bromine in Minerals and Glasses with Correction for Spectral Interference from Aluminium, and Comparison with Microbeam Synchrotron X-Ray Fluorescence Spectrometry. Geostandards and Geoanalytical Research. 41(3): 449-457. PDF file

    • Zhang C, Koepke J, France L, Godard M. (2017) Felsic Plutonic Rocks from IODP Hole 1256D, Eastern Pacific: Implications for the Nature of the Axial Melt Lens at Fast-Spreading Mid-Ocean Ridges. Journal of Petrology. 58(8): 1535-1565. PDF file

    • Zhang C, Koepke J, Albrecht M, Horn I, Holtz F. (2017) Apatite in the dike-gabbro transition zone of mid-ocean ridge: Evidence for brine assimilation by axial melt lens. American Mineralogist. 102(3): 558-570. PDF file

    • Fischer LA, Erdmann M, France L, Wolff PE, Deloule E, Zhang C, et al. (2016) Trace element evidence for anatexis at oceanic magma chamber roofs and the role of partial melts for contamination of fresh MORB. Lithos. 260: 1-8.

    • Zhang C, Koepke J, Wang L-X, Wolff PE, Wilke S, Stechern A, Almeev R, Holtz F. (2016) A Practical Method for Accurate Measurement of Trace Level Fluorine in Mg- and Fe-Bearing Minerals and Glasses Using Electron Probe Microanalysis. Geostandards and Geoanalytical Research. 40(3): 351-363. PDF file

    • Erdmann M, Fischer L, France L, Zhang C, Godard M, Koepke J. (2015) Anatexis at the roof of an oceanic magma chamber at IODP Site 1256 (equatorial Pacific): an experimental study. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology. 169(4): 1-28.

    • Wang L-X, Ma C-Q, Lai Z-X, Marks MAW, Zhang C, Zhong Y-F. (2015) Early Jurassic mafic dykes from the Xiazhuang ore district (South China): Implications for tectonic evolution and uranium metallogenesis. Lithos. 239: 71-85.

    • Wang L-X, Ma C-Q, Zhang C, Zhang J-Y, Marks MAW. (2014) Genesis of leucogranite by prolonged fractional crystallization: A case study of the Mufushan complex, South China. Lithos. 206-207: 147-163.

    • Zhang C, Koepke J, Kirchner C, Götze N, Behrens H. (2014) Rapid hydrothermal cooling above the axial melt lens at fast-spreading mid-ocean ridge. Scientific Reports. 4: No. 6342 PDF file

    • Zhang C, Holtz F, Koepke J, Berndt J, Ma C. (2014) Decompressional anatexis in the migmatite core complex of northern Dabie orogen, eastern China: Petrological evidence and Ti-in-quartz thermobarometry. Lithos. 202–203: 227-236. PDF file

    • Zhang J-Y, Ma C-Q, Zhang C, Li J-W. (2014) Fractional crystallization and magma mixing: evidence from porphyritic diorite-granodiorite dykes and mafic microgranular enclaves within the Zhoukoudian pluton, Beijing. Mineralogy and Petrology. 108(6): 777-800.

    • Zhang C, Holtz F, Koepke J, Wolff PE, Ma C, Bédard JH. (2013) Constraints from experimental melting of amphibolite on the depth of formation of garnet-rich restites, and implications for models of Early Archean crustal growth. Precambrian Research. 231: 206-217. PDF file

    • Zhang C, Ma C, Holtz F, Koepke J, Wolff PE, Berndt J. (2013) Mineralogical and geochemical constraints on contribution of magma mixing and fractional crystallization to high-Mg adakite-like diorites in eastern Dabie orogen, East China. Lithos. 172-173: 118-138. PDF file

    • Zhang J, Ma C, Li J, She Z, Zhang C. (2013) Geochronology and geochemistry of the Early Cretaceous Jigongshan and Qijianfeng batholiths in the Tongbai orogen, central China: implications for lower crustal delamination. International Journal of Earth Sciences. 102(4): 1045-1067.

    • Zhong Y, Ma C, Zhang C, Wang S, She Z, Liu L, et al. (2013) Zircon U–Pb age, Hf isotopic compositions and geochemistry of the Silurian Fengdingshan I-type granite Pluton and Taoyuan mafic–felsic Complex at the southeastern margin of the Yangtze Block. Journal of Asian Earth Sciences. 74: 11-24.

    • Zhang C, Holtz F, Ma C, Wolff P, Li X. (2012) Tracing the evolution and distribution of F and Cl in plutonic systems from volatile-bearing minerals: a case study from the Liujiawa pluton (Dabie orogen, China). Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology. 164: 859-879. PDF file

    • 陈玲, 马昌前, 张金阳, 刘园园, 余振兵, 张超. (2012) 首编大别造山带侵入岩地质图 (1:50 万) 及其说明. 地质通报. 31(1): 13-19.

    • 张超, 马昌前, Holtz F. (2012) 含水大陆下地壳的部分熔融: 大别山C型埃达克岩成因探讨. 高校地质学报. 18(1): 41-51.

    • Chen L, Ma CQ, Zhang JY, Mason R, Zhang C. (2011) Mafic dykes derived from Early Cretaceous depleted mantle beneath the Dabie orogenic belt: implications for changing lithosphere mantle beneath Eastern China. Geological Journal. 46(4): 333-343.

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