
职 称:副教授










[10]Lan C.Y., Long X.P.*, 2023.  Redox-stratified seawater during the GOE: Evidences from rare earth elemental and C-O isotopic compositions of Paleoproterozoic BIF and carbonate rocks from the Taihua Group, North China Craton. Ore Geology Reviews, 157, 105424.
[9]Lan C.Y., Long X.P.*, Zhao T.P., Zhai M.G., 2022.  Mineralization and magmatic origin of the 2.1 Ga Zhaoanzhuang magnetite-apatite deposit, North China Craton: Constrains on the formation of the Paleoproterozoic iron oxide-apatite deposits. Precambrian Research, 380, 106839.
[8]Lan C.Y., Long X.P.*, Zhai M.G., Wang J.Y., 2021. Depositional age and geochemistry of the 2.44-2.32 Ga Granular Iron Formation in the Songshan Group, North China Craton: Tracing the effects of atmospheric oxygenation on continental weathering and seawater environment. Precambrian Research, 357, 106142.
[7]Lan C.Y., Long X.P.*, Zhao T.P., Zhai M.G., 2019. In-site mineral geochemistry and whole-rock Fe isotopes of the quartz-magnetite-pyroxene rocks in the Wuyang area, North China Cratons: Constraints on the genesis of the pyroxene-rich BIF. Precambrian Research, 333,105445.
[6]Lan C.Y., Zhao T.P.*, Chen W.T., Long X.P., 2019. Trace elemental modification in magnetite from high-grade metamorphosed BIFs in the southern North China Craton. Ore Geology Reviews, 112,103019.
[5]Lan C.Y., Yang A.Y., Wang C.L., Zhao T.P.*, 2019. Geochemistry, U-Pb zircon geochronology and Sm-Nd isotopes of the Xincai banded iron formation in the southern margin of the North China Craton: Implications on Neoarchean seawater compositions and solute sources. Precambrian Research, 326:240-257.
[4]Lan C.Y., Zhou Y.Y., Wang C.L., Zhao T.P.*, 2017. Depositional age and protoliths of the Paleoproterozoic upper Taihua Group in the Wuyang area in the southern margin of the North China Craton: New insights into stratigraphic subdivision and tectonic setting. Precambrian Research, 297:77-100.
兰彩云, 赵太平*, 罗正传, 王长乐, 文启付, 刘立新, 2015. 河南舞阳赵案庄铁矿床成因:来自磁铁矿和磷灰石的矿物学证据. 岩石学报, 31(6):1653-1670.
兰彩云张连昌赵太平*, 王长乐, 李红中周艳艳, 2013. 河南舞阳铁山庙式BIF铁矿的矿物学与地球化学特征及对矿床成因的指示. 岩石学报, 29(8):2567-2582.
兰彩云何昌荣*, 姚文明, 靖晨, 2010. 热水条件下角闪石断层泥的摩擦滑动性质-与斜长石断层泥的对比. 地球物理学报, 53(12):2929-2937.

[11]Wang J.Y., Long X.P., Lan C.Y., Wu B., Zuo R., 2022. Geochronology and geochemistry of 2.3 Ga mafic intrusions in the Dengfeng area: Evidence for early Paleoproterozoic subduction in the sourthern North China Craton. Precambrian Research, 375: 106668.
[10]Wu B., Long X.P., Lan C.Y., Zhang S.T., Zuo R., Wang J.Y., 2022. Paleoproterozoic tectonic evolution of the Khondalite Belt in the North China Craton: Constrains from the geochronology and geochemistry of 1.9-2.3 Ga felsic and basic intrusive rocks in the Jining area. Precambrian Research, 371: 106570.
[9]Meng L., Lan C.Y., Zhan Q., Wu Q., Zhao T.P., 2022. Origin of the Shanggong gold deposit, the southern margin of the North China Craton: Constraints from Rb-Sr ages of sericite, and trace elements and sulfur isotope of pyrite. Ore Geology Reviews, 142:104728.
[8]Gao Y.L., Long X.P., Luo J., Dong Y.P., Lan C.Y., Huang Z.Y., Zhao J., 2021. Provenance and Hf isotopic variation of Precambrian detrital zircons from the Qilian Orogenic Belt, NW China: Evidence to the transition from breakup of Columbia to the assembly of Rodinia. Precambrian Research,357:106153.
张连昌, 兰彩云, 王长乐, 彭自栋, 佟小雪, 李文君, 董志国, 2020. 古元古代大氧化事件(GOE)前后海洋环境的变化:来自华北条带状铁建造(BIF)岩相学和地球化学的证据. 古地理学报, 22: 827-840.
王长乐张连昌兰彩云李红中黄华, 2015. 山西吕梁袁家村条带状铁建造沉积相与沉积环境分析. 岩石学报, 31(6):1671-1693.
[5]Wang C.L., Zhang L.C., Lan C.Y., Dai Y.P., 2014. Rare Earth Element and yttrium compositions of the Paleoproterozoic Yuanjiacun BIF in the L
üliang area and their implications for the Great Oxidation Event (GOE). SCIENCE CHINA Earth sciences, 57: 2469-2485.
[4] Wang C.L., Zhang L.C., Lan C.Y., Dai Y.P., 2014. Petrology and geochemistry of the Wangjiazhuang banded iron formation and associated supracrustal rocks from the Wutai greenstone belt in the North China Craton: Implications for their origin and tectonic setting. Precambrian Research, 255: 603-626.
王长乐, 张连昌, 兰彩云, 代堰锫, 2014. 山西吕梁古元古代袁家村铁矿BIF 稀土元素地球化学及其对大氧化事件的指示. 中国科学: 地球科学, 44: 2389-2405.
王长乐张连昌兰彩云代堰锫, 2012. 山西吕梁袁家村铁矿矿石地球化学特征及成因探讨. 矿床地质, 31: 129-130.
靖晨周永胜兰彩云, 2010. 龙门山韧性剪切带主要矿物结构水含量与变形的关系. 岩石学报, 26(5):1604-1616.




[9]2023.12 参加第十届全国成矿理论与找矿方法学术研讨会,西安

[8]2023.10 参加大陆地壳演化与早期板块构造2023年国际学术研讨会,北京

[7]2023.04 参加中国矿物岩石地球化学学会第18届学术年会,合肥

[6]2023.04 参加2023青年矿床论坛,贵阳

[5]2023.04 参加第十六届全国矿床会议,太原

[4]2019.04 参加第二届构造地质与地球动力学青年学术论坛,南京
[3]2016.12 参加美国地球物理年会(AGU),旧金山
[2]2015.12 参加第七届全国成矿理论与找矿方法,长沙
[1]2015.08 参加Goldschmidt2015,捷克



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