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1. Wang X. J.*, Chen L. H., Hanyu T., Zhou Z. B., Liu J. Q., Zeng G., Zou Z. Q., Bai J. H., 2024. Calcium isotopic variability in hotspot lavas controlled by partial melting and source lithological heterogeneity. Chemical Geology 644, 121857, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.chemgeo.2023.121857.

2. Dai C. C., Wang X. J.*, Chen L. H., Hanyu T., Zhang X. Y., Zeng G., Xie L. W., 2024. Iron isotopic compositions of HIMU Ocean island basalts: Implications for the mantle source lithology. Lithos 470-471, 107531, doi: 10.1016/j.lithos.2024.107531.

3. Zou Z. Q., Wang Z. C.*, Wang X. J.*, Xu Y. G., Chen L. H., Wang M. L., Feng L. P., Li M., Liu Y. S., 2024. Calcium isotopic compositions of eclogite melts and negligible modification during reaction with lithospheric mantle. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 367, 58-71, doi:10.1016/j.gca.2023.12.031.

4. Zhao J., Wang X. J.*, Chen L. H., Hanyu T., Shi J. H., Liu X. W., Kawabata H., Xie L. W., 2022. The effect of Fe–Ti oxide separation on iron isotopic fractionation during basalt differentiation. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology, 177, 101, doi:10.1007/s00410-022-01967-w.

5. Wang X. J., Chen L. H.*, Hanyu T.*, Shi J. H., Zhong Y., Kawabata H., Miyazaki T., Hirahara Y., Takahashi T., Senda R., Chang Q., Vaglarov B. S., Kimura J., 2021. Linking chemical heterogeneity to lithological heterogeneity of the Samoan mantle plume with Fe-Sr-Nd-Pb isotopes. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, e2021J-e22887J, https://doi.org/10.1029/2021JB022887.

6. Wang X. J., Chen L. H.*, Hanyu T., Zhong Y., Shi J. H., Liu X. W., Kawabata H., Zeng G., Xie L. W., 2021. Magnesium isotopic fractionation during basalt differentiation as recorded by evolved magmas. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 565, 116954, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.epsl.2021.116954.

7. 王小均, 陈立辉*, 刘建强. 2019. 大洋与大陆板内典型EM1型玄武岩的成因联系和区别. 矿物岩石地球化学通报, 38(02): 237-247.

8. Wang X. J., Chen L. H.*, Hofmann A. W.*, Hanyu T., Kawabata H., Zhong Y., Xie L. W., Shi J. H., Miyazaki T., Hirahara Y., Takahashi T., Senda R., Chang Q., Vaglarov B. S., Kimura J. I., 2018. Recycled ancient ghost carbonate in the Pitcairn mantle plume. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America (PNAS), 115(35): 8682-8687.

9. Wang X. J., Chen L. H.*, Hofmann A. W.*, Mao F. G., Liu J. Q., Zhong Y., Xie L. W., Yang Y. H., 2017. Mantle transition zone-derived EM1 component beneath NE China: Geochemical evidence from Cenozoic potassic basalts. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 465: 16-28.

10. 王小均, 刘建强, 陈立辉* (2014) HIMU型洋岛玄武岩的地球化学特征. 高校地质学报, 20(03):353-367.

11. Zhang X. Y., Chen L. H.*, Wang X. J., Hanyu T., Hofmann A. W., Komiya T., Nakamura K., Kato Y., Zeng G., Gou W. X., Li W. Q., 2022. Zinc isotopic evidence for recycled carbonate in the deep mantle. Nature Communications, 13, 6085, doi:10.1038/s41467-022-33789-6.

12. Chen L. H.*, Wang X. J., Liu S. A., 2022. Probing recycled carbonate in the lower mantle. National Science Review, 9, doi:10.1093/nsr/nwac061.

13. Zhao X. M.*, Wang X. J., Jia X. L., Evans N. J., Yi C. X., Chen L. H., Hanyu T., Li J., Wan B., Zhu X. K., Zhang H. F., 2024. Titanium isotopic fractionation during alkaline magma differentiation at St. Helena Island. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology 179, doi:10.1007/s00410-023-02085-x.

14. Xie L. W. *, Wang X. J., Yu H. M., Gao J. F., Xu L., Huang C., Tang G. Q., Mao Q., Feng L. J., Yang Y. H., Wu S. T., Wang H., 2024. A study on a natural pyrite sample as a potential reference material for simultaneous measurement of sulfur and iron isotopes using fs-LA-MC-ICP-MSs. Journal of analytical atomic spectrometry, doi:10.1039/D3JA00351E.

15. Jiang D. S., Xu X. S.*, Erdmann S., Deng G. X., Wang X. J., Muhtar M. N., Huang F., 2024. Ba-Mg isotopic evidence from an OIB-type diabase for a big mantle wedge beneath East Asia in the Early Cretaceous. Chemical Geology, 646, 121917, doi:10.1016/j.chemgeo.2023.121917.

16. Yang H., Tikoo S. M., Carvallo C., Bilardello D., Solheid P., Gaastra K. M., Sager W. W., Thoram S., Hoernle K., Höfig T. W., Avery A., Del Gaudio A. V., Huang Y., Bhutani R., Buchs D. M., Class C., Dai Y., Dalla Valle G., Fielding S., Han S., Heaton D. E., Homrighausen S., Kubota Y., Li C. F., Nelson W. R., Petrou E., Potter K. E., Pujatti S., Scholpp J., Shervais J. W., Tshiningayamwe M., Wang X. J., Widdowson M., 2024. Preliminary Characterization of Submarine Basalt Magnetic Mineralogy Using Amplitude‐Dependence of Magnetic Susceptibility. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems 25, doi: 10.1029/2023GC011222.

17. Liu J. Q.*, Chen L. H., Wang X. J., Krmíček L., Zeng G., Zhang X. Y., Murphy D. T., Dalton H., Pandey A., Rao N. V. C., 2023. Zinc isotopes reveal disparate enriched sources of contemporary lamprophyres in Eastern Dharwar Craton. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology 178, 89, doi: 10.1007/s00410-023-02073-1.

18. Shi J. H., Zeng G.*, Chen L. H., Wang X. J., Liu J. Q., Xie L. W., Yang Y. H., Zhang H. L., 2023. Lithology of EM1 Reservoir Revealed by Fe Isotopes of Continental Potassic Basalts. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth 128, doi: 10.1029/2022JB025133.

19. Zhang H. L., Zeng G.*, Liu J. Q., Chen L. H., Yu J. H., Wu B., Wang X. J., Xu X. S., Liu X. W., 2023. Carbonated eclogitic component beneath eastern China revealed by olivine phenocrysts in nephelinites. Chemical Geology 640, 121744, https://doi.org/10.1016/j.chemgeo.2023.121744.

20. Thoram S.*, Sager W. W., Gaastra K., Tikoo S. M., Carvallo C., Avery A., Del Gaudio A. V., Huang Y., Hoernle K., Höfig T. W., Bhutani R., Buchs D. M., Class C., Dai Y., Valle G. D., Fielding S., Han S., Heaton D. E., Homrighausen S., Kubota Y., Li C. F., Nelson W. R., Petrou E., Potter K. E., Pujatti S., Scholpp J., Shervais J. W., Tshiningayamwe M., Wang X. J., Widdowson M., 2023. Nature and Origin of Magnetic Lineations Within Valdivia Bank: Ocean Plateau Formation by Complex Seafloor Spreading. Geophysical Research Letters 50. Doi: 10.1029/2023GL103415.

21. Shi J. H., Zeng G.*, Chen L. H., Hanyu T., Wang X. J., Zhong Y., Xie L. W., Xie W. L., 2022. An eclogitic component in the Pitcairn mantle plume: Evidence from olivine compositions and Fe isotopes of basalts. Geochimica et Cosmochimica Acta, 318, 415-427, doi:10.1016/j.gca.2021.12.017.

22. Liu J. Q.*, Chen L. H., Wang X. J., Zhang H. L., Zeng G., Erdmann S., Zhang L., Ren Z. Y., 2022. Olivine and melt inclusion chemical constraints on the nature and origin of the common mantle component beneath eastern Asia. Contributions to Mineralogy and Petrology 177. Doi: 10.1007/s00410-022-01981-y.

23. Liu J. Q.*, Chen L. H., Wang X. J., Zhang X. Y., Zeng G., Erdmann S., Murphy D. T., Collerson K. D., Komiya T., Krmíček L., 2022. Magnesium and zinc isotopic evidence for the involvement of recycled carbonates in the petrogenesis of Gaussberg lamproites, Antarctica. Chemical Geology 609, 121067. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.chemgeo.2022.121067.

24. Zeng G.*, Chen L. H.*, Hofmann A. W.*, Wang X. J., Liu J. Q., Yu X., Xie L. W., 2021. Nephelinites in eastern China originating from the mantle transition zone. Chemical Geology, 576, 120276.

25. Zhong, Y., Zhang, G. L.*, Jin, Q. Z., Huang, F., Wang, X. J., Xie, L. W. 2021, Sub-basin scale inhomogeneity of mantle in the South China Sea revealed by magnesium isotopes, Science Bulletin, 66 (7), 740-748.

26. Jiang D. S., Xu X. S.*, Wang X. J., Zeng G., Chen A. X., Huang B., Huang F., 2021. Geochemical evidence for the Paleo-Pacific plate subduction at ~125 Ma in Eastern China. Lithos 398-399, 106259, doi:10.1016/j.lithos.2021.106259.

27. Zhong Y., Zhang G. L.*, Zhong L. F., Chen L. H., Wang X. J., 2021. Post-spreading volcanism triggered by CO2 along the South China Sea fossil spreading axis. Lithos 404-405, 106478. Doi: 10.1016/j.lithos.2021.106478.

28. Liu J. Q.*, Erdmann S., Chen L. H., Zhang H. L., Wu B., Zeng G., Wang X. J., Lei Z. L., Yu X., 2021. Petrological evidence for magma recharge and mixing beneath the Ma'anshan monogenetic volcano of Xiaogulihe in Northeast China. Lithos 382-383, 105928.

29. Wu S. T.*, Yang Y., Jochum K. P., Romer R. L., Glodny J., Savov I. P., Agostini S., De Hoog J. C. M., Peters S. T. M., Kronz A., Zhang C., Bao Z., Wang X. J., Li Y., Tang G., Feng L., Yu H., Li Z., Zhang L., Lin J., Zeng Y., Xu C., Wang Y., Cui Z., Deng L., Xiao J., Liu Y., Xue D., Zhang D., Jia L., Wang H., Xu L., Huang C., Xie L., Pack A., Wörner G., He M., Li C., Yuan H., Huang F., Li Q., Yang J., Li X., Wu F., 2021. Isotopic Compositions (Li-B-Si-O-Mg-Sr-Nd-Hf-Pb) and Fe2+/ΣFe Ratios of Three Synthetic Andesite Glass Reference Materials (ARM-1, ARM-2, ARM-3). Geostandard and Geoanalytical Research. Doi:https://doi.org/10.1111/ggr.12399.

30. Lei, Z. L., Zeng, G.*, Liu, J. Q.*, Wang, X. J., Chen, L. H., Zhang, X. Y., and Shi, J. H., 2020. Melt-Lithosphere Interaction Controlled Compositional Variations in Mafic Dikes from Fujian Province, Southeastern China. Journal of Earth Science. https://doi.org/10.1007/s12583-020-1358-y.

31. He Y., Chen L. H.*, Shi J. H., Zeng G., Wang X. J., Xue X. Q., Zhong Y., Erdmann S., Xie L. W., 2019. Light Mg Isotopic Composition in the Mantle Beyond the Big Mantle Wedge Beneath eastern Asia. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, doi: 10.1029/2018JB016857.

32. Yu X., Zeng G.*, Chen L. H., Wang X. J., Liu J. Q., Xie L. W., Yang T., 2019. Evidence for rutile-bearing eclogite in the mantle sources of the Cenozoic Zhejiang basalts, eastern China. Lithos, 324-325: 152-164.

33. Erdmann S.*, Chen L. H., Liu J. Q., Xue X. Q., Wang X. J., 2019. Hot, volatile‐poor, and oxidized magmatism above the stagnant Pacific plate in Eastern China in the Cenozoic. Geochemistry, Geophysics, Geosystems, 20, 4849-4868.

34. Zhong Y., Chen L. H.*, Wang X. J., Zhang G. L., Xie L. W., Zeng G., 2017. Magnesium isotopic variation of oceanic island basalts generated by partial melting and crustal recycling. Earth and Planetary Science Letters, 463: 127-135.

35. Liu J. Q., Chen L. H.*, Wang X. J., Zhong Y., Yu X., Zeng G., Erdmann S., 2017. The role of melt-rock interaction in the formation of Quaternary high-MgO potassic basalt from the Greater Khingan Range, northeast China. Journal of Geophysical Research: Solid Earth, 122(1): 262-280.

36. Liu J. Q., Chen L. H.*, Zeng G., Wang X. J., Zhong Y., Yu X., 2016. Lithospheric thickness controlled compositional variations in potassic basalts of Northeast China by melt-rock interactions. Geophysical Research Letters, 43(6): 2582-2589.

37. 熊巧, 曾罡, 郑志翀, 张慧丽, 周中彪, 王小均, 刘建强, 陈立辉* (2023). 东北牡丹江地区古近纪高镁安山岩的发现及其岩石学特征. 高校地质学报, 29(2): 161-173.

38. 陈立辉*, 曾罡, 刘建强, 王小均, 张超 (2022). 从大陆火山岩视角了解深部地幔化学储库的属性. 岩石学报 38 (12): 3703-3711.

39. 何叶, 陈立辉*, 曾罡, 王小均 (2020). 浙江建德新生代玄武岩源区特征及其成因. 高校地质学报 26(03): 241-254.

40. 雷祝梁, 曾罡*, 王小均, 陈立辉 (2019). 中国东南部晚中生代基性岩脉地幔源区的岩性演化历史. 地球科学, 44(04): 1159-1168.

41. 薛笑秋, 陈立辉*, 刘建强, 何叶, 王小均, 曾罡, 钟源 (2019). 中国东北软流圈地幔中的原始橄榄岩质地幔:来自大兴安岭地区新生代玄武岩的地球化学证据. 地球科学, 44(04): 1143-1158.

42. 刘建强, 陈立辉*, 钟源, 林蔚涵, 王小均 (2017) 小兴安岭逊克地区第四纪高镁安山岩的岩石学、K-Ar年代学及火山地质特征. 岩石学报 33(1): 31-40.

43.  林蔚涵, 陈立辉*, 刘建强, 王小均, 钟源, 曾罡 (2017) 大兴安岭新生代高镁安山岩的确认. 高校地质学报 23(01): 16-25.


1. 国家自然科学基金面上项目1项 (主持),在研(2024.01–2027.12);

2. 国家自然科学基金面上项目1项 (主持),资助期满(2020.01–2023.12);

3. 国家自然科学基金重点项目1项 (参加),在研(2022.01-2026.12)。



1. 萨摩亚地幔柱的岩性不均一,中国矿物岩石地球化学学会第18届学术年会,合肥,2023. 4.17-20. (主题报告)

2. 强演化“玄武岩”记录铁钛氧化物分离引起的镁同位素变化, 第12届全国同位素地质年代学与同位素地球化学学术讨论会,武汉,2020.11.22. (主题报告)

3. Pitcairn地幔柱中存在再循环古老碳酸盐的化学“印记”, 第五届青年地学论坛,南京, 2018. 10.27-29. (邀请报告)

4. Pitcairn地幔柱中存在再循环古老碳酸盐的化学“印记”, 2018年中国地球科学联合学术年会, 北京, 2018. 10.26-29. (主题报告)

   常规口头报告多次,受邀参加国际大洋发现计划IODP 391航次科学考察。


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